
Study Length: 4 weeks

A man stumbles forward, broken and bleeding. People look on with disdain, perceiving Him as a criminal and mocking His pain. They don’t recognize the truth—on Him lays the very hope of the world.

500 years earlier, God inspired a prophet to compose four songs to describe the Servant God would send to bring hope and life to humanity. These “servant songs” from the Prophet Isaiah poetically capture the service, suffering, and exaltation of God’s coming “servant,” ultimately fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. In this four-week study, Isaiah: Songs of the Servant, explore these beautiful prophecies and Jesus’s perfect fulfillment of every promise.  


In week one, find encouragement in the description of Jesus the judge, who advances God’s Kingdom with gentleness and justice.  


In week two, rejoice at Jesus’s mission and triumph. Learn of God’s powerful plan to bring salvation to all people.  


In week three, wonder at the determination of God’s servant, Jesus, as He endures trial, opposition, and suffering, yet never wavers from God’s good plan.  


In week four, discover the Servant’s ultimate sacrifice and connect this heavy prophecy to Jesus’s wonderful act of sacrificial love for us.  


These songs reveal God’s incredible compassion for His sinful, struggling creation—including you. From the beginning to end, Jesus accomplished every promise, purpose, and prophecy on your behalf. Begin your study of Isaiah: Songs of the Servant to see God’s work through His own Son, the supreme example of love.  


What's included:

Develop a weekly routine and daily rhythm of engaging with the Bible.

Take time to develop a deeper understanding of the passage and consider how it applies to your everyday life.

Dig deeper into the text using purpose-made content from a network of trusted scholars.

Expand your grasp of each passage with Bible teaching and storytelling that offer additional insights and action points.

Ask questions and share what you're learning with fellow members in a weekly Group Gathering.

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