
Study Length: 3 weeks

A note for readers: Parts of Esther’s story may be difficult to read. The book tells how God used Esther while living in a godless, broken society. The moral ambiguity within Esther’s story does not imply divine endorsement of the abuse of power and people for pleasure or personal gain within the story.

A new queen. An evil plot. A secret identity. A risky strategy.

The book of Esther is a gripping story of inspiring bravery and drastic reversals. This dramatic portrait of a young woman torn between duty to her people and her precarious position as queen shows God’s invisible hand at work to place the right people in the right places and the right time.

In week one, experience the fall of the former queen and the rise of Queen Esther, who finds favor in unexpected places. Watch as God weaves together her circumstances for an unforeseen purpose.

In week two, watch the tension build as a corrupt official plots to destroy the Jewish people. Witness Esther’s agonizing decision to expose herself as a Jew and her cunning strategy to unravel the threat against her people.

In week three, celebrate the unfolding of God’s faithful plan to rescue His people from destruction. See God’s hand at work in Esther’s courage to use her position for His justice.

Do you feel discouraged by the evil you see around you? God is never mentioned by name as the Actor behind His people’s deliverance in this story. Yet His handiwork is clear in the perfect positioning of Esther and Mordecai to accomplish His plan. When you struggle to see God at work, remember the story of Esther and take courage to live by faith in your own positions of influence.  


What's included:

Develop a weekly routine and daily rhythm of engaging with the Bible.

Take time to develop a deeper understanding of the passage and consider how it applies to your everyday life.

Dig deeper into the text using purpose-made content from a network of trusted scholars.

Expand your grasp of each passage with Bible teaching and storytelling that offer additional insights and action points.

Ask questions and share what you're learning with fellow members in a weekly Group Gathering.

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