Who knows how to live a great life?
Maybe you scour the internet for how-to guides or experts promising results. Perhaps you make comprehensive lists or strategize personal growth from one year to the next. But how quickly do our resolutions crumble, and our new habits and healthier rhythms fade?
Good news is found in Matthew’s Gospel: Jesus makes all things new! No trial, plot twist, or temptation will derail Jesus from His life-giving mission; He will triumph over sin and death to deliver His followers into God’s Kingdom for good.
So when hostility grows towards Jesus' words of life, He begins teaching publicly in parables revealing the “secrets of the kingdom.” His strategy fulfills Old Testament prophecy; He hides truth in plain sight from casual curiosity and violent opposition, but uses the very same parables to train His followers to see by faith.
In this study, Get Started II, plant your feet in the first parable of Matthew 13 as you open God’s Word with WordGo. Listen to Jesus’ first kingdom story and try out WordGo’s four-fold study method to unearth the text’s meaning. Dig into daily Scripture readings, questions, notes, and audio teaching — with specially crafted tips and guidance for using the app as you go.
We’ll discover Jesus’ first kingdom story paints a picture of seed and soils, but only one soil represents life by faith in Christ. Will you ask yourself, what kind of soil am I? How receptive am I to God and His kingdom story? Will you seek to be the fruitful soil through which God can produce eternal fruit?
God’s children are called to scatter the seed of the gospel on all kinds of soil — all places and all kinds of people. So will you get started with WordGo, plant your feet in God’s Word, and learn about your part in spreading His good news of great life?
Develop a weekly routine and daily rhythm of engaging with the Bible.
Take time to develop a deeper understanding of the passage and consider how it applies to your everyday life.
Dig deeper into the text using purpose-made content from a network of trusted scholars.
Expand your grasp of each passage with Bible teaching and storytelling that offer additional insights and action points.
Ask questions and share what you're learning with fellow members in a weekly Group Gathering.