John 1-3

Study Length: 4 weeks

The Gospel of John calls you to believe in Jesus, the Word revealed. In chapters 1-3, John pulls back the heavenly curtain to present The Word become flesh to dwell among us. We encounter John the Baptist. We enter into Jesus' early earthly ministry and travel along with His first disciples. We witness His first miraculous sign, displays of divine authority and transforming conversations.

This 4-week study guides you into the deepest truths of God, life and faith. It shows how all the Bible works together to tell about Jesus Christ – the Messiah who saves people from their sins. Experiencing Christ’s power in the rough and tumble of daily life instills confidence that all His promises are true, for this life and for eternity. Will you accept Jesus' invitation to come and see?


What's included:

Develop a weekly routine and daily rhythm of engaging with the Bible.

Take time to develop a deeper understanding of the passage and consider how it applies to your everyday life.

Dig deeper into the text using purpose-made content from a network of trusted scholars.

Expand your grasp of each passage with Bible teaching and storytelling that offer additional insights and action points.

Ask questions and share what you're learning with fellow members in a weekly Group Gathering.

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