
Study Length: 4 Weeks

This letter explains how to enjoy rest and growth when times get hard. Its writer encourages a group of fearful second-generation Christians with truths every generation needs to hear. Only one remedy resolves daily troubles with religious rules, conflicts, faulty traditions, sin, fear and doubt.

This 4-week study guides you through this astounding letter that works like a hinge attaching the Old and New Testaments. Both testaments have one main subject, Jesus Christ. Hebrews depicts how faithful people from Genesis through today share the gift of faith to fix their eyes on God the Son, the Savior Jesus Christ.


What's included:

Develop a weekly routine and daily rhythm of engaging with the Bible.

Take time to develop a deeper understanding of the passage and consider how it applies to your everyday life.

Dig deeper into the text using purpose-made content from a network of trusted scholars.

Expand your grasp of each passage with Bible teaching and storytelling that offer additional insights and action points.

Ask questions and share what you're learning with fellow members in a weekly Group Gathering.

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